Admin of

I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at or on matrix at

  • 61 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • I just want to inject something here.

    This community and others like it exist on blahaj, because this instance focuses on the needs of trans and queer folk first and foremost. And so, trans and queer folk expressing honestly held opinions, are given space to do so.

    I’ve had a chat to the lead mod of that community to address the way moderation is communicated, but I don’t plan on telling them what they can communicate. These folk are going to experience the results of the election first hand too, so I’m not going to tell them that they’re not allowed to deal with the situation in a particular way.

    We have a group for armed queers here too. I’m strongly anti gun myself, but this group too is run by queer and trans folk with genuinely held beliefs trying to deal with a world that is turning against us more and more. I want them to have space that is explicitly inclusive and protective of their needs, even if I don’t agree with them, because trans solidarity is the goal.

  • when you report someone, who receives the report? Mods on my instance? The mods of the specific community I’m reporting from?

    When a report is made, it goes to three instances.

    1. The instance of the person making the report
    2. The instance of the account being reported
    3. The instance of the community in which the content was posted

    Each instance only gets a single copy of the report and that report can be actioned by the admin of the instance the report is on, or moderators of the community. Only a single report is generated for each instance even if it meets multiple criteria, and it is one report per instance, not one report per admin/moderator. Marking a report as complete on one instance does not mark it as complete on another instance.

    If a report leads to content removal, that removal will only federate if the reported content is removed by a moderator of the community, or by an admin of the instance that hosts the community or the user. If removed by any other admin, the removal doesn’t federate to other instances, and is purely removed for local users.

  • I am not willing to exclude trans and queer folk over a difference of opinion, when those opinions are genuinely held, and on issues that directly impact them.

    I am not going to tell queer folk that there is a right or a wrong way to deal with the rising tide of bigotry, racism and intolerance we are all facing.

    As long as the their community rules live up to the instance community guidelines, they’re allowed to moderate on their own terms.

    I get that you see me as “giving them a voice”, and I guess, ultimately it is. But that’s because the goal of blahaj zone is to create a space for trans and queer voices. And that’s what those voices are.

  • I’m not going to remove a community for pushing back against a system that forces them to vote for genocide.

    I don’t think that not voting is the answer, but I also don’t think that me telling people they’re not allowed to feel differently is the answer. The majority of the people in that community will be forced to live with the consequences of their votes. They will be directly targeted by Trump. And if they still feel that pushing back against genocide in Palestine is more important than the consequences of Trump on their very own personal safety, I’m not going to stand in the way of that.

    This isn’t outside trolls and agitators. This is a community of folk, directly in the line of fire, choosing to stand there for a cause they see as important. As long as their intentions are genuine (which I believe they are), It’s not my place to tell them that they’re not allowed to take that stand.

    That being said, I am going to reach out to the staff there, and address the insults and the like being thrown at other users. It’s against both the community rules, and against the Blahaj Zone Community Guidelines.